Destroy myths, build with science.


  • How do I know if I have diabetes?

    The process of diagnosing diabetes involves the assessment of:

  • Is it true that when you have diabetes you have to stop eating?


  • What are the symptoms of diabetes?

    In all patients there may be different manifestations, but the 3 main symptoms are:


  • Do you only see overweight or obese patients?

    No, our methodology makes the follow-up personalized to your needs and requirements.

  • Are all diets restrictive?

    No, your case is evaluated to know what type of diet we have to create for you.

  • Just by stopping eating will I lose weight?

    No, weight control goes beyond a diet, whether restrictive or not.


  • Are the medications for all types of patients?

    No, before prescribing any medication, we assess your case and the need to prescribe the treatment or not.

  • If I take the medicine alone, can I lose weight?

    Because some weight-loss drugs inhibit the feeling of hunger, of course you can lose weight that way, but the consequences on your body of not eating will be important, so we advise you to accompany the use of the drug with a special eating plan. for you.

  • Are supplements drugs?

    No, supplements are not drugs so they are available over the counter.

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